The Core library

The core library contains definitions for the functions required to write the standard library without any platform dependant code

Some functions require a certain feature that only some cores have, which is documented for each core and the required features are listed here in the docs


Parameters: cell char

Requires: IO

Prints char to stdout as ASCII


Parameters: cell code

Requires: Exit


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns max cell value if the 2 values are equal, and 0 if not


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns max cell value if v1 is greater than v2, 0 if not


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns max cell value if v1 is greater than or equal to v2, 0 if not


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns max cell value if v1 is less than v2, 0 if not


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns max cell value if v1 is lesser than or equal to v2, 0 if not


Parameters: addr address

Returns the cell-sized value at address


Parameters: cell value, addr address

Writes value to address


Parameters: addr address

Returns the 1 byte value (as a cell) at address


Parameters: cell value, addr address

Writes value as a byte to address


Parameters: addr address

Returns the 2 byte value (as a cell) at address

Requires at least 16-bit cell size


Parameters: cell value, addr address

Writes the 2 byte value to address

Requires at least 16-bit cell size


Parameters: addr address

Returns the 4 byte value (as a cell) at address

Requires at least 32-bit cell size


Parameters: cell value, addr address

Writes the 4 byte value to address

Requires at least 32-bit cell size


Duplicates the top value on the stack


Pops a value from the stack


Swaps the 2 top values on the stack


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 + v2 (unsigned)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 + v2 (signed)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 - v2 (unsigned)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 - v2 (signed)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 * v2 (unsigned)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 * v2 (signed)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 / v2 (unsigned)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 / v2 (signed)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 % v2 (unsigned)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Returns v1 % v2 (signed)


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Does bitwise and on v1 and v2 and returns the result


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Does bitwise or on v1 and v2 and returns the result


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Does bitwise xor on v1 and v2 and returns the result


Parameters: cell value

Does bitwise not on value and returns the result


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Shifts v1 left by v2 bits and returns the result


Parameters: cell v1, cell v2

Shifts v1 right by v2 bits and returns the result


Requires: Time

Returns the current time since epoch (1st January 1970)

struct File

Requires: File

A structure containing info for open files


Parameters: Array* path, cell mode

Requires: File

mode is a value with one or more of these options OR'd together: - FILE_READ (1) - FILE_WRITE (2)

This function opens a file and pushes the contents of the File structure to the stack, which you can then store in a variable with file<


Parameters: File file, File variable

Requires: File

Copies a file structure from file to variable


Parameters: File* file, addr buffer, cell count

Requires: File

Reads count bytes from the given file and writes them to buffer


Parameters: File* file, addr buffer, cell count

Requires: File

Writes count bytes to the given file from buffer


Parameters: cell which

Requires: Args

Returns the address to a null-terminated string containing the whichth command-line argument


Parameters: none

Requires: Args

Returns the number of command-line arguments passed to the program